Why is a Marketing Strategy So Crucial for Businesses?

No company should be without a marketing strategy - it's not something that can be left to chance. Crafting a strategy ensures that you target the right people with content that resonates with them. The more time you spend on creating a clear plan, the more opportunities you have to make sales. A marketing strategy helps you create products and services with the best chance of turning a profit.

This is because it starts with market research, taking into account the ideal target customer, what the competition is doing, and what trends may be on the horizon. With this information, you can determine what benefits customers want, what they are willing to pay, and how you can differentiate your product or service from the competition. A marketing strategy has a ripple effect. Once a brand starts marketing to its target audience, the foundation of its business is established.

Your sales team will be supported by a solid base and have the right tools to help convert leads throughout the sales funnel. All the marketing and sales tools in your arsenal are there for a reason - your team knows how to use each one and using a marketing and sales tactic is intentional. Management and marketing departments must understand the importance of marketing strategy if they want to attract new customers from the same operating market and also from untapped markets. But in reality, strategic marketing thinking must underpin all marketing activities undertaken by an SME company.

A marketing strategy analyzes all areas of your sales activities and helps each to support the other, making sure that all of your departments are aware of what each of them is doing. An effective marketing strategy can take your brand from unknown to familiar and, ultimately, well-known. Your company's marketing strategy helps ensure that you get the most out of every resource, every dollar, and every minute you spend on your marketing and advertising efforts. Your strategy defines which marketing channels you'll use (print, social media, digital ads, direct mail, etc.).

Your marketing strategy is Step 0 - it's the first thing you need to do before allocating funds or investing time in marketing activities. The consistent and continuous communication and messaging strategy helps the brand maintain a distinct identity in a volatile and competitive market. When you have a well-thought-out marketing strategy, you can rest assured that your daily marketing decisions and actions are research-based and driven by your company's objectives. A well-defined marketing strategy focuses on the brand's unique selling points along with the characteristics and benefits of the products and services offered by the company in an organized, strategic and creative way, highlighting that the brand and its offerings are better than those of the competitor.

Following your marketing strategy simplifies the daily execution of marketing tasks when your brand, messaging and objectives are clearly defined. A marketing strategy is based on the idea that a plan should not stay on the shelf until it has passed its expiration date.

Stephanie Givhan
Stephanie Givhan

Typical web evangelist. Total student. Freelance beer expert. Avid coffee trailblazer. Professional travel practitioner. Avid social media trailblazer.